Bulk Packings
Preparative LC systems
Biopharmaceutical purification
Chiral technologies
Contract purification services
Flow reactor

YMC-Actus Series

YMC-Actus series HPLC columns offer outstanding durability under high-speed gradient conditions. Desirable columns for laboratory scale preparative HPLC in R&D, etc. It is ideal for high-throughput purification in drug discovery.


  • Outstanding durability by applying DAC column technology
  • Desirable for laboratory scale isolation and purification
  • Excellent resolution

DAC column technology for semi-prep column

YMC-Actus series have been developed by applying the Axial Compression Technology to semi-prep column (20 mm i. d. and 30 mm i. d.). The column bed is compressed adequately by attaching the end assembly newly designed for YMC-Actus. It provides proper bed density (10% higher than conventional columns) and bed uniformity. The combination of technology acquired by long our experience with DAC column, the advanced technique of slurry packing, and new hardware design offers an outstanding durability and efficiency for YMC-Actus.
*To Axial Compression Column

DAC column technology for semi-prep column

Sequential gradient test
(high-speed and high-pressure)

Column : 50 X 20 mmI.D. 5 µm
Eluent : A) water B) methanol
Gradient : 5%B-95%B
Flow rate : 50 mL/min
Pressure : ∼17MPa

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Outstanding durability and efficiency

In case of wrong packing conditions, rapid pressure change under the high-speed gradient condition degrades column performance. To examine bed stability, the column performance was evaluated after every 100 runs of the sequential high-speed gradient. YMC-Actus offers superior initial column efficiency compared to competitors. Furthermore, its excellent performance is maintained after a long series of gradient test.

Outstanding durability and efficiency

Sequential gradient test
(high-speed and high-pressure)

Column : 50 X 20 mmI.D. 5µm
or 50 X 19 mmI.D. 5µm
Eluent : A) water B) methanol
Gradient : 5%B (0-0.5 min), 5-95%B (0.5-3.1 min),95%B (3.1-3.6 min), 5%B (3.6-4.0 min)
Flow rate : 50 mL/min

Column performance test

Column : 50 X 20 mmI.D. 5µm
or 50 X 19 mmI.D. 5µm
Eluent : methanol/water (60/40)
Flow rate : 10 mL/min

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Ideal for high-throughput purification

YMC-Actus provides outstanding stability and reproducibility in the separation of pharmaceuticals dissolved in 100% DMSO, even after 1000 injections under the fast gradient condition. It is ideal for high-throughput purification in drug discovery.

Ideal for high-throughput purification

  1. Ethenzamide
  2. Clemastine fumarate
  3. Ibuprofen
Column : YMC-Actus Pro C18 RS (5 µm, 8 nm)
50 X 20 mmI.D.
Eluent : A) water/TFA (100/0.1)
B) acetonitrile/TFA (100/0.1)
10-90%B (0-3 min), 90%B (3-5 min), 10%B (5-10 min)
Flow rate : 20 mL/min
Temperature : ambient
Detection : UV at 270 nm
Injection : 100 µL (0.2-2 mg/mL in DMSO)

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Types and characteristics of packing materials for YMC-Actus series

Packing material Particle size
Pore size
C% Usable
pH range
Triart series Triart C18 5 120 20 1 - 12
  • Highly durable column suitable as a first choice
  • Excellent peak shapes
  • Can be used with 100% water mobile phase
Triart C18 ExRS 5 80 25
  • C18 phase with high density bonding on organic/inorganic hybrid silica
  • Alternative selectivity to standard C18 columns
  • Excellent selectivity of isomers and structural analogs
Triart C8 5 120 17
  • Usable over wide range of pH and temperature
  • Effective for fast analysis of compounds with low polarity or for separation of isomers
Triart Phenyl 5 120 17 1 - 10
  • Unique selectivity due to π -π interaction
  • Ideal for aromatic compounds and compounds having long conjugated system
  • Great peak shapes without adsorption/peak tailing
Triart PFP 5 120 15 1 - 8
  • Effective for separation of polar compounds or isomers provided by unique polar
  • Superior planar cognitive ability/steric selectivity
Triart Bio C18 5 300 - 1 - 12
  • Wide-pore column with organic/inorganic hybrid silica
  • Suitable for separation of biomolecules such as peptides, proteins, antibodies and oligonucleotides
Triart Bio C4 5 300 - 1 - 10
Pro series Pro C18 5 120 16 2 - 8
  • Standard ODS with high versatality
  • Processed with YMC CO., LTD.’s advanced endcapping technology
  • Superior separation of basic compounds
Hydrosphere C18 5 120 12
  • Superior separation of hydrophilic compounds
  • Can be used with 100% water mobile phase
Pro C18 RS 5 80 22 1 - 10
  • Highly durable ODS
  • Superior separation of basic compounds
  • Superior separation of hydrophobic compounds
Pro C8 5 120 10 2 - 7.5
  • Processed with YMC CO., LTD.’s advanced endcapping technology
  • Superior separation of basic compounds
YMC-Pack series ODS-A 5 120 17 2 - 7.5
  • Currently in use worldwide for analysis and purification
ODS-AQ 5 120 14
  • Superior separation of hydrophilic compounds

*Please contact us for packing materials other than those listed above

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Direct scale-up from analytical to preparative

YMC-Actus has as high performance as the analytical column, and it is possible to scale up directly from analytical to preparative separation without loss in resolution.
Pro C18 RS has superior selectivity for hydrophobic compounds that differ slightly in structure and hydrophobicity. It achieved better resolution between nordihydrocapsaicin (peak 1) and capsaicin (peak 2) than competitors. Target compound was purified with high purity on YMC-Actus Pro C18 RS in direct scaling-up.

Direct scale-up from analytical to preparative

  1. Nordihydrocapsaicin
  2. Capsaicin
  3. Dihydrocapsaicin
Eluent : A) methanol/water/TFA (50/50/0.1)
B) methanol/TFA (100/0.1)
10-30%B (0-5 min), 30%B (5-10 min)
Temperature : 25ºC for 50 X 4.6 mmI.D.
ambient for 50 X 20 mmI.D.
Detection : UV at 280 nm
Sample : methanol extract of a commercial cayenne pepper
(1 g cayenne pepper/3 mL)

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